Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi×Senna Misawa “Prequel”

  • 三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 前編


三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 前編


TALKでは、自らでは語り得なかった考えや思いなどを、SENA MISAWAに関わる人との対談を通して、発掘していきたいと思います。




TALK第一弾の対談は、堀口切子代表にして三澤さんの親方である三代秀石堀口徹氏。堀口さんに三澤さんの入社当時の裏話や、SENA MISAWAブランドの立ち上げに至った経緯、率直な思いなどをお伺いしていきます




















































堀口切子は2015年に工場を今の場所に移転し、三澤さんは一番弟子として堀口切子の創成期を経験しました。そして2019年7月三澤さんにとっても堀口切子にとっても、新たなステップとして、堀口切子の新ブランドSENA MISAWA」を立ち上げました。後編では、ブランド立ち上げの経緯と、三澤さんと堀口さんこのブランドへの思いを紐解きます。


>>三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 後編


Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi×Senna Misawa  “Prequel”


In TALK, we would like to discover hidden ideas and thoughts through interviews with the people who are involved in the making of SENA MISAWA.


This interview will be moderated and written by Mizuki Onoma.


In the first TALK, we will be speaking to Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi, who is the founder of Horiguchi KirikoINC., and is master to Senna.


It has been disclosed in another article that a container of a beauty cream was the start of Senna’s interest in Horiguchi Kiriko, but can I hear more about this?


Senna: When I first saw the advertisement of the container, not only was I impressed by how beautiful and attractive Edo Kiriko wares can be, but also that traditional Japanese crafts were incorporated into a successful product. I was truly amazed by Toru’s pieces and his approach to Edo Kiriko, and soon after, I sent him an email seeking for apprenticeship.


Toru: Yes. I was still on my own at that point, and could not afford to take pupils at Horiguchi Kiriko. I knew I had to let you down, but I was genuinely delighted that you were interested in my company and Edo Kiriko itself, so I decided to speak to you in person.


Senna: I was told that it would only be a casual meeting, but I still thought of it more like an interview, so I studiedbasic knowledge, and went into class to experience the making of Edo Kiriko.


Toru: Yes, that was how I met Senna who was still a university student then. I was able to tell how sincerely she wished to be a part of the company, and she left a strong impression. She even said, “I will not ask to be paid”, but I could not allow that, and I knew that I would struggle finding time to teach, so I declined her offer. I felt really bad for turning her down, but I did my best to explain the reason behind my decision.


I didn’t know you were turned down once!


Senna: Yes. However, he was exactly the person media described him to be, so I was convinced that there would come a time when his company grows in size, and hedecides to employ new staff. When I went to meet Toru, he gave me advice to save up money. I noticed then that I had been thinking too little about financial stability, and how I was only able to attend university and have no worries about money thanks to my parents’ support.


Toru: I gave this advice to her because I knew how she would have so many more options if she had money to spare. Even if she decides to try something else than Edo Kiriko, the barriers for a new challenge would be much lower if she could go on for a while without any income. I also came to appreciate and notice the importance of money after I became independent.


Senna: From there, I graduated from university, worked in a wholesale company that specializes in nail products, and became a nail technician while I also worked part time at night to save money. Even then, I would go and check Horiguchi Kiriko’s website to see how they’re doing, and if they were looking for new staff.


You must have had a really strong feeling for Horiguchi Kiriko.


Senna: I think it was more like I could not give up. I had been interested in becoming a nail technician since I was in high school, so I considered perusing that dream. That was when the word “recruiting” appeared on Horiguchi Kiriko’s website. I was very nervous when I sent an email asking for an interview.


Toru: I was actually reminded of Senna when I decided to recruit staff. I remembered her coming to speak to me, but my computer crashed a while ago, and I lost all emails and her address, so I could not get in contact with her. I knew straight away that it was Senna when I saw her email.


—So if that was in 2014, it must have been 3 years since Senna first came to speak to you.


Toru: Yes, I was truly surprised that she had waited for three years.


Senna: I was thrilled to know that you remembered me.


Toru: Seven applications came in at that time, and all of them were from women. To be honest, I thought that the first staff should be male, since I thought I would occasionally ask them to carry heavy equipment, and ask them to work in an intense environment. So I decided to thoroughly explain the terms of working at Horiguchi Kiriko, and only three decided that they were still interested.


—And one of them was Senna?


Toru: Yes, she left a great impression especially after knowing how long she waited for. However, I was still worried that she would find the conditions of working here too difficult, so I had many conversations with her to make sure nothing comes to her as a surprise.


Senna: You asked if I knew what I was signing up for so many times that I asked, “Can you tell me what I have to do to be employed here?” with slight irritation. Haha.


Toru: Haha. Yes.


Senna: I knew from what I was told that the working conditions would be tough. I did not just want to work at any Edo Kiriko factory, but it had to be Horiguchi Kiriko. I really wanted to get that across to him.


Toru: Her energy was strong enough to make me say “Okay, should we give it a go then?”.


—So that was how you became Toru’s first pupil.


Senna: Yes. Even though there were some rough times, I genuinely enjoy working at Horiguchi Kiriko.


Toru: At the beginning I was unsure if she could endure the stress, but Senna was always determined to complete everything I asked her to do. I believe she also took care of things I was not even aware of. There may have been strains on her, but I am very thankful Senna joined. She has become irreplaceable.


—Horiguchi Kiriko relocated its factory to where it is now in 2015. Senna had experienced the foundation phase of the company, and in July 2019, she had been given a chance to start her own line of Edo Kiriko ware “SENA MISAWA”, which is a new challenge for the company as well. In the “Sequel”, we would be unraveling the backstory of this decision, and their anticipation for this new brand.




三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 前編

  • 三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 前編


三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 前編


TALKでは、自らでは語り得なかった考えや思いなどを、SENA MISAWAに関わる人との対談を通して、発掘していきたいと思います。




TALK第一弾の対談は、堀口切子代表にして三澤さんの親方である三代秀石堀口徹氏。堀口さんに三澤さんの入社当時の裏話や、SENA MISAWAブランドの立ち上げに至った経緯、率直な思いなどをお伺いしていきます




















































堀口切子は2015年に工場を今の場所に移転し、三澤さんは一番弟子として堀口切子の創成期を経験しました。そして2019年7月三澤さんにとっても堀口切子にとっても、新たなステップとして、堀口切子の新ブランドSENA MISAWA」を立ち上げました。後編では、ブランド立ち上げの経緯と、三澤さんと堀口さんこのブランドへの思いを紐解きます。


>>三代秀石 堀口徹×三澤世奈 後編

Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi×Senna Misawa “Prequel”


Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi×Senna Misawa  “Prequel”


In TALK, we would like to discover hidden ideas and thoughts through interviews with the people who are involved in the making of SENA MISAWA.


This interview will be moderated and written by Mizuki Onoma.


In the first TALK, we will be speaking to Shūseki (III), Toru Horiguchi, who is the founder of Horiguchi KirikoINC., and is master to Senna.


It has been disclosed in another article that a container of a beauty cream was the start of Senna’s interest in Horiguchi Kiriko, but can I hear more about this?


Senna: When I first saw the advertisement of the container, not only was I impressed by how beautiful and attractive Edo Kiriko wares can be, but also that traditional Japanese crafts were incorporated into a successful product. I was truly amazed by Toru’s pieces and his approach to Edo Kiriko, and soon after, I sent him an email seeking for apprenticeship.


Toru: Yes. I was still on my own at that point, and could not afford to take pupils at Horiguchi Kiriko. I knew I had to let you down, but I was genuinely delighted that you were interested in my company and Edo Kiriko itself, so I decided to speak to you in person.


Senna: I was told that it would only be a casual meeting, but I still thought of it more like an interview, so I studiedbasic knowledge, and went into class to experience the making of Edo Kiriko.


Toru: Yes, that was how I met Senna who was still a university student then. I was able to tell how sincerely she wished to be a part of the company, and she left a strong impression. She even said, “I will not ask to be paid”, but I could not allow that, and I knew that I would struggle finding time to teach, so I declined her offer. I felt really bad for turning her down, but I did my best to explain the reason behind my decision.


I didn’t know you were turned down once!


Senna: Yes. However, he was exactly the person media described him to be, so I was convinced that there would come a time when his company grows in size, and hedecides to employ new staff. When I went to meet Toru, he gave me advice to save up money. I noticed then that I had been thinking too little about financial stability, and how I was only able to attend university and have no worries about money thanks to my parents’ support.


Toru: I gave this advice to her because I knew how she would have so many more options if she had money to spare. Even if she decides to try something else than Edo Kiriko, the barriers for a new challenge would be much lower if she could go on for a while without any income. I also came to appreciate and notice the importance of money after I became independent.


Senna: From there, I graduated from university, worked in a wholesale company that specializes in nail products, and became a nail technician while I also worked part time at night to save money. Even then, I would go and check Horiguchi Kiriko’s website to see how they’re doing, and if they were looking for new staff.


You must have had a really strong feeling for Horiguchi Kiriko.


Senna: I think it was more like I could not give up. I had been interested in becoming a nail technician since I was in high school, so I considered perusing that dream. That was when the word “recruiting” appeared on Horiguchi Kiriko’s website. I was very nervous when I sent an email asking for an interview.


Toru: I was actually reminded of Senna when I decided to recruit staff. I remembered her coming to speak to me, but my computer crashed a while ago, and I lost all emails and her address, so I could not get in contact with her. I knew straight away that it was Senna when I saw her email.


—So if that was in 2014, it must have been 3 years since Senna first came to speak to you.


Toru: Yes, I was truly surprised that she had waited for three years.


Senna: I was thrilled to know that you remembered me.


Toru: Seven applications came in at that time, and all of them were from women. To be honest, I thought that the first staff should be male, since I thought I would occasionally ask them to carry heavy equipment, and ask them to work in an intense environment. So I decided to thoroughly explain the terms of working at Horiguchi Kiriko, and only three decided that they were still interested.


—And one of them was Senna?


Toru: Yes, she left a great impression especially after knowing how long she waited for. However, I was still worried that she would find the conditions of working here too difficult, so I had many conversations with her to make sure nothing comes to her as a surprise.


Senna: You asked if I knew what I was signing up for so many times that I asked, “Can you tell me what I have to do to be employed here?” with slight irritation. Haha.


Toru: Haha. Yes.


Senna: I knew from what I was told that the working conditions would be tough. I did not just want to work at any Edo Kiriko factory, but it had to be Horiguchi Kiriko. I really wanted to get that across to him.


Toru: Her energy was strong enough to make me say “Okay, should we give it a go then?”.


—So that was how you became Toru’s first pupil.


Senna: Yes. Even though there were some rough times, I genuinely enjoy working at Horiguchi Kiriko.


Toru: At the beginning I was unsure if she could endure the stress, but Senna was always determined to complete everything I asked her to do. I believe she also took care of things I was not even aware of. There may have been strains on her, but I am very thankful Senna joined. She has become irreplaceable.


—Horiguchi Kiriko relocated its factory to where it is now in 2015. Senna had experienced the foundation phase of the company, and in July 2019, she had been given a chance to start her own line of Edo Kiriko ware “SENA MISAWA”, which is a new challenge for the company as well. In the “Sequel”, we would be unraveling the backstory of this decision, and their anticipation for this new brand.